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OOPs with JAVA


OOPs with JAVA

Section-A (5 marks Questions)

Unit – I: 

1. Explain about JVM. 

2. Explain the procedure to write, compile, and run a Java program with simple program. 

3. Explain about Data Types. 

4. Explain about Command Line arguments with an example. 

Unit – II: 

1. Explain about relational operators with an example. 

2. Explain about logical operators with an example. 

3. Explain about conditional operator with an example. 

4. Explain about bit-wise operators with an example

Unit – III: 

1. Write a java program to find the given number is Armstrong or not. 

2. Write a java program to find the given number is palindrome or not. 

3. Write a java program to generate the power bill. 

4. Write a java program to find the biggest number among three numbers. 

Unit – IV: 

1. Explain class and object with example. 

2. Explain about Constructor with an example. 

3. Write a java program to sorting given n numbers. 

4. Write a Java program for read and print array. 

Unit – V: 

1. Explain Single Inheritance with program. 

2. Explain about Type Casting. 

3. Write a java program to find the factorial of the given number. 

4. Write a java program to find the given number is even or odd Number. 

Section-B (10 marks Questions) 

Unit – I: 

1. Explain the features of OOP. 

2. Explain the features of JAVA. 

3. Explain about Java Program Structure 

Unit – II: 

1. Explain Arithmetic and Assignment Operators with example. 

2. Explain Increment and Decrement operators with example. 

3. Write a java program to perform all arithmetic and Logical operators. 

Unit – III: 

1. Explain about for statement with an example. 

2. Explain about while statement with an example. 

3. Explain about switch statement with an example. 

Unit – IV: 

1. Define array. And explain about single dimensional array with an example. 

2. Explain Method overloading. 

3. Explain different types of constructors. 

Unit – V: 

1. Explain the concept of Inheritance. 

2. Explain multiple inheritances with example. 

3. Explain the concept of Interface.